Drone Responders – Drones in Public Safety
The technology behind drones has undergone rapid development in the last couple of decades, with the incorporation of sensors such as LiDAR, RGB, and RADAR, as well as advanced image processing software. This has enabled drones to perform a wide range of tasks that were once thought to be a sci-fi fantasy.
The utility of drones has undergone a significant transition in recent years, evolving from a source of amusement to a tool for solving some of the biggest problems facing various industries. From construction to agriculture, businesses are now incorporating drone technology into their operations to improve efficiency and accuracy.
Out of numerous industries where drone technology has proved to be promising, public safety is another domain where drones would make the processes more seamless, trusted and less prone to errors. Public safety refers to all operations that aim to ensure the safety of the public, including security against crime and disasters. Despite sounding like something out of the future, the first recorded use of drones in saving lives dates back to 2005, and the number has since grown to 600.
So, what makes drones a better contender to become the savior in PSOs over the other means?
The ease of accessibility to hard-to-reach areas, accurate monitoring of large areas, and rapid decision-making thanks to the “bird’s eye view” provided by drones are just some of the features that make them useful for public safety operations. Some of the most widely used applications of drones in public safety include event security, search and rescue, traffic management, and firefighting.
Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and advanced image processing software can provide an efficient and effective means of monitoring and managing crowds at events. They can provide a level of situational awareness that far surpasses that of human operators and can be programmed to follow a specific path repeatedly, while a professional monitors the footage to detect any suspicious activity. They can also be equipped with facial recognition technology to detect known individuals or criminal suspects. In case of emergency, drones can quickly provide an aerial view of the situation and reach any location within the event to provide valuable information to first responders. Overall, the use of drones in event security can greatly enhance safety and security, providing peace of mind for event managers and attendees alike.
With sensors such as LIDAR, RGB and RADAR can greatly, coupled with exceptional image processing algorithms, drones can enhance search and rescue operations. They can quickly scan large areas, locate missing persons, provide critical information to ground teams and identify potential hazards to create 3D maps of the area. Autonomous drones with machine learning algorithms can navigate challenging terrain, inclement weather and reach areas that are not accessible to ground teams. They can also be used to drop supplies and equipment to those in need, such as life rafts, which can be a lifesaving measure in case of natural disasters or accidents. Overall, the use of drones in search and rescue operations can enhance the efficiency, speed, and accuracy of the operation, providing a safer and more successful outcome for all involved.
Drones can be used in traffic management for monitoring traffic flow, detecting bottlenecks, and providing real-time updates to traffic control centers. They can also survey accident sites, providing a comprehensive view of the situation and allowing traffic control centers to quickly deploy resources and clear the road. Equipped with thermal imaging cameras, they can detect broken-down vehicles and provide early warning to traffic control centers. The use of drones in traffic management can greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of traffic control operations, while being cost-efficient as the cost of operating a drone is significantly lower than that of a helicopter.
Firefighting: Drones equipped with an array of visual and thermal cameras can provide a comprehensive solution for firefighting efforts. They can assist firefighters in evaluating a site and planning a response strategy by providing real-time aerial footage of the fire, enabling them to detect structures that are in danger of collapsing. Additionally, the use of thermal cameras can assist in identifying hotspots, which may indicate the spread of the fire, allowing fire teams to quickly extinguish them and prevent further hazards.
The calibre of Public Safety has to be always top-notch ensuring the welfare of people. Slightest of compromise on it is not acceptable, PDRL knows this and aims to solve humanity’s most pressing problems with the drone ecosystem.
Ultimately creating more time to live.