
Beyond Drone Mapping


Beyond Drone Mapping

What we do

DroneNaksha is designed with a thought of delivering one of its kind, drone survey and mapping experience.
DroneNaksha is a SaaS (Software as Service) from AeroMegh platform for various photogrammetry solutions. Along with orthomosaic,
DroneNaksha also generates other data types like Digital Surface Model, Digital Elevation Model, Vegetation using various photogrammetry algorithms.
Image Upload

Upload Image

Upload using AeroGCS KEA to
simplify your work.



GCP in respective Images and add GCP for orthomosaic generation.


Process And Notification

Click Process button to trigger get notification of completion.

View & Share

Share Reports

Various types of reports is available, Download and Share.

Image Upload

Upload Image

Upload using AeroGCS KEA to
simplify your work.



GCP in respective Images and add GCP for orthomosaic generation.


Process And Notification

Click Process button to trigger get notification of completion.

View & Share

Share Reports

Various types of reports is available, Download and Share.

DroneNaksha Applications

Land Survey and Mapping

Process drone captured images, generate orthomosaic, digital surface model, digital elevation model, vegetation index of land area and your survey/mapping job is accomplished. DroneNaksha delivers GSD (Ground Sampling Distance) accuracy up to 1.5 CM / pixel.

Construction and Planning

Construction progress monitoring using visual comparison analysis feature of DroneNaksha helps to understand site progress over the period of time. It’s 3D model gives a richer visualization for taking planning and construction decisions.

Roads and Railway Track Mapping

Measuring and mapping distance of roads and railway tracks for
survey of a specific region is initiated efficiently with enhanced
accuracy. DroneNaksha delivers real-time data which results in
saving time and cost by eliminating manual efforts.

Forest Management

Forest surveys used to determine type of plants, biomass, forest density and variety of any other natural features or areas that are difficult to access easily can be monitored through DroneNaksha. DroneNaksha helps to do better forestation.

Urban Planning and Development

DroneNaksha helps in urban development planning by
capturing, processing images and analyzing them using
AI intelligence. It delivers maximum accuracy to take
informed decisions with regards to urban planning and


DroneNaksha enables crop analysis using RGB and Infrared images and various algorithms like VARI, NDVI. Agricultural purpose of inspecting plant health, survey and spraying can be effectively done with DroneNaksha.

Land Survey and Mapping

Process drone captured images, generate orthomosaic, digital surface model, digital elevation model, vegetation index of land area and your survey/mapping job is accomplished. DroneNaksha delivers GSD (Ground Sampling Distance) accuracy up to 1.5 CM / pixel.

Construction and Planning

Construction progress monitoring using visual comparison analysis feature of DroneNaksha helps to understand site progress over the period of time. It’s 3D model gives a richer visualization for taking planning and construction decisions.

Roads and Railway Track Mapping

Measuring and mapping distance of roads and railway tracks for survey of a specific region is initiated efficiently with enhanced accuracy. DroneNaksha delivers real-time data which results in saving time and cost by eliminating manual efforts.

Forest Management

Forest surveys used to determine type of plants, biomass, forest density and variety of any other natural features or areas that are difficult to access easily can be monitored through DroneNaksha. DroneNaksha helps to do better forestation.

Urban Planning and Development

DroneNaksha helps in urban development planning by capturing, processing images and analyzing them using AI intelligence. It delivers maximum accuracy to take informed decisions with regards to urban planning and development.


DroneNaksha enables crop analysis using RGB and Infrared images and various algorithms like VARI, NDVI. Agricultural purpose of inspecting plant health, survey and spraying can be effectively done with DroneNaksha.

Features of DroneNaksha


DroneNaksha enables the user to create Orthomosaic images. It processes and generates Orthomosaic images through the raw images insourced from multiple options offered by DroneNaksha.


Along with Orthomosaic, DroneNaksha generates Digital Surface Models with greatest ease and better accuracy, also allows to download DSM in geo-tiff file format separately for further sharing/processing.

Vegetative Index

DroneNaksha allows you to generate vegetative index such as NDVI from IR images and VARI from RGB images to see vegetation index. Select min and max range of vegetation index and visualize data.

Comparison Analysis

DroneNaksha has an unparallel feature of comparison. It enables analysis of two unique orthomosaic images generated on different dates. It helps to understand and examine the progress over the period.

Plan Export

DroneNaksha lets you create and export flight plan from orthomosaic images. Such that you can capture details of defined area of orthomosaic. In agriculture, it helps to mark the less vegetation index area and do pesticide spraying in affected area only.

Project Management

DroneNaksha is cloud enabled. It allows you to create project, create a plan under projects and proceed by creating image sets under plans to have all raw images managed professionally with appropriate categorization.

Multiple input sources

To process images for analysis, DroneNaksha gives multiple options to input data. It enables you to upload images from your computer device. User can also directly upload from AeroGCS mission planning software.


DroneNaksha lets you create and export flight plan from orthomosaic images. Such that you can capture details of defined area of orthomosaic. In agriculture, it helps to mark the less vegetation index area and do pesticide spraying in affected area only.



Along with Orthomosaic, DroneNaksha generates Digital Surface Models with greatest ease and better accuracy, also allows to download DSM in geo-tiff file format separately for further sharing/processing.

Vegetation Index

vegetative index-min

DroneNaksha allows you to generate vegetative index such as NDVI from IR images and VARI from RGB images to see vegetation index. Select min and max range of vegetation index and visualize data.

Comparison Analysis

comparison analysis-min

DroneNaksha has an unparallel feature of comparison. It enables analysis of two unique orthomosaic images generated on different dates. It helps to understand and examine the progress over the period.

Plan Export


DroneNaksha lets you create and export flight plan from orthomosaic images. Such that you can capture details of defined area of orthomosaic. In agriculture, it helps to mark the less vegetation index area and do pesticide spraying in affected area only.

Project Management

Project management-min

DroneNaksha is cloud enabled. It allows you to create project, create a plan under projects and proceed by creating image sets under plans to have all raw images managed professionally with appropriate categorization.

Multiple Input Sources

multiple input source

To process images for analysis, DroneNaksha gives multiple options to input data. It enables you to upload images from your computer device. User can also directly upload from AeroGCS mission planning software.

Why should I use it?

Mask group

Saas Model

DroneNaksha is offered as SaaS on Pay Per Consume model. No need to invest licensing cost.

Mask group

Fast Processing

It is cloud powered with full scale parallel processing to reduce your processing time.

Mask group

Higher Accuracy

Orthomosaic images ground distance 1.5 CM/pixel generated similarly DEM with 5 CM/pixel can be generated.

Any Workload

Any Workload

DroneNaksha architecture empowers it to process multiple images simultaneously.

AI Security

AI Security

AeroMegh offers AeroCapture service which helps AI based analytics images generated by DroneNaksha.

One Stop Solution

One Stop Solution

DroneNaksha supported products AeroGCS KEA which helps flight plan & upload data DroneNaksha account.

Local Data Compliance

Local Data Compliance

DroneNaksha offer local compliance to store your data in your region only local Government data policy.

Mask group

Data Analytics

DroneNaksha SaaS Data security is important concern for the end to end solution offered by AeroMegh.

Try Your Hands on DroneNaksha

Want to speed up your aerial image analytics using PicStork? Sign up and get further assistance from our Software Experts or write us at solutions@aeromegh.com