Mastering Log Analysis with AeroGCS

Gaining Actionable Insights


Mastering Log Analysis with AeroGCS

Gaining Actionable Insights

Mastering Log Analysis with AeroGCS: Gaining Actionable Insights Webinar Led by Ms. Kanchan Borade, Head of Product Engineering and AI Strategist
In a world where data speaks volumes, gaining actionable insights from logs is crucial. Join us for an insightful webinar where we delve into the intricacies of log analysis, guided by an expert who truly understands the landscape.
A Glimpse into Her Professional Journey:
  • Over 6 years devoted to crafting impeccable embedded software solutions, showcasing her mastery in creating efficient and seamless software.
  • With 4.5 years navigating the dynamic world of drones, Kanchan has been at the forefront of advancements in this cutting-edge domain.
  • Embracing the role of a knowledge disseminator, Kanchan has spent 2 years contributing to academia, sharing valuable insights with the next generation.

Watch the Recording

Date Webinar:  29th August 2023, Tuesday